1. Everyone must DONATE! Please try to donate what is asked for. Your donated/received ratio should be about even. The default donation is the Archer, and you must have donated at least 300 troops/season (150 every two weeks) to stay in the clan. You cannot request for something you cannot train unless you are in a war. Anything "high-end" donated to you is a GIFT.
2. If you are in a war, you must use both attacks! There is absolutely no excuse not to. If you know that you are going to be busy, OPT-OUT of the war as soon as possible before the war begins. If you miss both attacks, you will be either be demoted (if elder and above) or kicked (if member). If you miss only one attack, you will not be allowed to participate in the next two wars.
3. No drama/unnecessary cursing allowed! This includes the discussion of vulgar topics and begging (repeatedly asking for high-end troops/promotions). Since there is no way of knowing everyone's ages or backgrounds, please be friendly at all times and understand when enough is enough. Warnings will be given, but repeat offenders will be kicked.
4. No clan-hopping! Unless given special permission by BattleGodX or a Co-leader, you cannot leave and expect to rejoin. If you have been given permission to leave, you must indicate how long you will be gone and why you will be gone. You may only request to temporarily leave the clan once a month.
5. Everyone must obey and show utmost respect to members of higher ranking. All clan officials have been promoted for a reason, so if you violate this rule, you may be punished accordingly.
6. Everyone must be ACTIVE! If you are suspected of being inactive without providing an explanation (vacation, "grounded," etc.), you WILL BE KICKED! Proof of inactivity includes not having a league and having full mines.
7. Elders cannot kick any members without approval from a Co-leader or BattleGodX! Exceptions include blatant and serious rule violations, in which case discretion should be used. Generally, if there is a problem, elders should inform a Co-Leader or BattleGodX to resolve the issue!
8. All members in the clan must meet the clan requirements, which should be posted in the clan description. This includes any second accounts or friends you may have.